The Kite Runner
The story, “The Kite Runner,” takes place in the country of Afghanistan. Afghanistan happens to be a communist run country at the beginning of the book but as the story goes on, the country is in an uproar because they want to become a democracy. Having known this background on Afghanistan prior to reading this book has helped me understand some of the history and the culture that is stated throughout the chapters.

The author, Haled Hossenini, has done a good job of showing what life is like for the young boys in the story. He displayed what their culture is like through the ways they eat, what games they play, and he even described what types of houses they live in. He also showed the differences in the people in Afghanistan. Hassan and Ali were the two young boys that grew up together and did everything together. Hassan, who happens to be the servant’s son, was a Shi’a while Ali, the rich man’s son was considered a Sunni. Even though it was looked down upon in the Afghan culture for Shi’a to be friends with the Sunni, the boys didn’t care.

This is how life is for many people in Afghanistan, you’re either wealthy, or dirt poor. So far, this story has given me a lot of knowledge about what Afghanistan is really like. I am very fortunate to live in America because we have so much to be blessed for. We don't have to worry about not getting food each day, or even having a place to sleep. 

I believe that the story is going to start to change for the worst. I think that something is going to happen between Ali and Hassan and even towards Ali and his dad’s relationship because they aren't very close right now, but I hope they end up that way in the end.

Ms. Condon
4/22/2011 05:50:43 am

What makes you think that their relationships will change? Good relationships and connecting with your background knowledge.


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