The Kite Runner
Amir and Farid are now at Baba’s house. Amir is very humbled when he sees the tree that Hassan and him would play on when they were younger. Amir was probably happy that he could come back to remember all of his memories of when he was younger. However, he was also pretty sad because of all the things that have changed since then. When I graduate and move away from home, I will go through the same feelings that Amir felt. When I come home, I will be happy when I think about all the memories I’ve had at my house and at Ventura, but on the other hand, I will be really sad to think about how things are never going to be the same. The next day, they go to the Ghazi Stadium, just like the orphanage director had told them to. Amir and Farid came to watch a soccer game, but they actually got see people being tortured and killed by the Taliban. After the soccer match ends, they talk with a few Taliban men and they set up an appointment to talk with the leader.

Amir and Farid have now arrived at the house where the Taliban live for their meeting. The house is a lot nicer than the rest of the houses in Kabul because they are aloud to have anything they want. Farid knows what is at risk in this meeting, so he tells Amir this is all the farther that he is going to help him. Amir realizes that he has already done too much for him, so he has to go into the meeting all alone. Amir must be terrified because he knows that he could be killed if he makes one wrong move, but he is willing to do this in order to gain back his friendships. The leader asks why he is here. Amir says he only came to find a boy named Sohrab. They talked awhile about different issues, and then Amir finally recognizes who the leader actually is. It is Assef, Hassan and Amir’s childhood bully. Then he said, remember how I told you I would get you back for what happened when we were kids, well now is the opportunity. He then brought Sohrab out, and said, “If you want him, it will cost you.” Amir knew what he actually meant, death was what he wanted. I don’t know if I would be willing to take my life for someone I didn’t know, but Amir knows that he has to do this to save his happiness. Then Assef says he is trying to cleanse the country by getting rid of the Hazara race. So Amir and Assef fought like men, they were bleeding everywhere, and Amir started to lose his teeth. But just as Amir was about to give up, he knew he had to fight for his life and Sohrab’s so he gave it everything he had. Sohrab grabbed his slingshot and shot it right in Assef’s eyes. Amir had won! Now, Sohrab was in safe hands. I bet that Amir was so terrified because he had just about died, and now he had to take care of Sohrab. Amir has proved himself to be a very strong man that is now willing to fight for what he believes in, just like his father tried to teach him. Amir couldn’t believe that he had just beaten Assef, so he passed out on the ride to the hotel.

After passing in and out, Amir finally realizes that he is in a hospital in Peshwar. Farid and Sohrab and both looking over him, when Farid hands him a letter that Rahim Khan left him. Rahim Khan had said how brave he was for trying to save Sohrab, but he knew that he was too hard on himself just because he was trying to win his father’s respect. After a few days in Peshwar, Amir decides that it isn’t safe for them to be there anymore, so they leave Peshwar for Islamabad. Trying to escape, while being very ill at the same time was probably very stressful on Amir. He wanted to be a good role model for Sohrab but he was in a lot of pain.

After Sohrab and Amir get acquainted a little bit, Amir wakes up from a nap and finds that Sohrab is missing. He eventually finds him at a statue in Islamabad. Amir tries to talk to him about what Assef did him. He tells him that he is a dirty man, and that he had done nothing wrong. Amir hugs Sohrab, and for the first time, they show affection towards each other. Sohrab was now Amir’s son, so he wanted to treat him like one, so he invited him to live with him and his wife in America. Sohrab says nothing the rest of the night. Sohrab was probably really scared about leaving his home country. He knows nothing else, and now that he has a new family, Sohrab is probably really scared because that would mean that he would have to start a new life somewhere else with someone else.

I hope that Sohrab decides that going to America would be the best thing for him. I am really glad that Amir won the fight against Assef but I am sad that it had to happen that way. I feel like the book is starting to take a turn for the worst because whenever things start going well in the story, something bad will happen.

Ms. Condon
5/6/2011 09:55:34 am

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